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I remember feeling so frustrated in the hospital as the doctors diagnosed my baby girl with Type 1 Diabetes. I knew that Jesus had already bore this awful disease so she wouldn’t have to. I knew that by Jesus’s stripes she was already healed and that no weapon formed against her would ever prosper. I stood on the Word, casted out the sickness, prayed and believed, but her condition didn’t change. It broke my heart to see my daughter lying there, lifeless, with IVs in both arms look up at me and say, “Cast it out, mom. I’m healed. Take me home.” But her body didn’t agree with what we believed, so we stayed.
We’ve all been there, but it may not have been in a hospital room with a bad doctor’s report. It could have been sitting on the couch looking at an empty bottle, knowing you promised never again. It could be you crying in your closet after an awful fight with your family. Or maybe you’re staring at your phone digesting rejection. Maybe even, you find yourself sitting in your car wondering how you’ll make it another day. You’ve been praying, you believed, but something in you just wants to quit.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us that, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” I would love to tell you that my daughter is completely healed and doesn’t need to take insulin, but that is not so. She is healed, but her healing has not been manifested at this time. We continue to use artificial insulin to help her body each day. I don’t know why she hasn’t received complete healing manifestation, but I believe God’s word to be true over what I see, hear, or feel. I choose not to get caught up in the whys; instead, I ask God, “What now?”
I don’t know what struggles you are going through, but I can promise you that God is faithful. God loves you and is for you.
Throughout my journey with God, I have learned that I receive healing or freedom when I seek the Healer, not the healing itself. I don’t know what struggles you are going through, but I can promise you that God is faithful. God loves you and is for you. As you seek the Healer, you will receive your healing, transformation, or freedom from whatever has you bound. Depression, addiction, anxiety, and fear can no longer keep you captive as you seek God and build an intimate relationship with Him. Fix your eyes on Him, not your circumstances or setbacks. Allow Him to come into your life and trust Him completely.
Romans 10:17 tells us that, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” If you are struggling in any area of your life and doubt is trying to set in, I encourage you to get into the Word and find out what God’s promises are for your life. Believe Him over what you see, hear, or feel today.
My daughter may not have received manifestation of her physical healing yet, but what we did receive is supernatural Peace. God supplied us with His wisdom, His joy, and His peace. We continue to believe that she will receive complete manifestation of her healing, and until that day we will keep praising our wonderful Lord and thanking Him for all he has done.
I don’t know why you haven’t received your breakthrough, but I know God is for you. So today, don’t give up, don’t give in, continue to press forward focused on God’s goodness. He is faithful and true to His Word. Choose to walk by faith and not by sight; so that you too can experience victory.
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