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When that phrase is spoken, we all agree in unison that it’s been ROUGH. Whew! It’s during these times where we cling to our faith and hold on for dear life. But what’s fueling our faith? What we allow to fuel our faith will leave us fickle, flailing, or fierce. I don’t know about you, but I definitely don’t want to be known for being fickle or flailing.
On a daily scroll through social media I come across tons of political posts, both agreeing and disagreeing with what is going on in our country. It’s exhausting. I keep scrolling, and in between the arguments on when it’s ok to put up your Christmas decorations, I see a meme of encouragement. It’s inspirational and gives me a “feel-good moment.” Aww, that’s so nice. For the moment, I feel good, and it gives me a little faith that things are going to be ok. However, as my scrolling continues, I become aggravated and frustrated from the posts about the lack of toilet paper. Now I’m questioning my own toilet paper supply. What will my family do if we can’t find toilet paper? What a horrible predicament to be in. My faith is fickle. However, my Christmas decorations are up before Thanksgiving, so that’s good, right?
Now more than ever we need FIERCE faith! Faith that stands strong in “all things 2020.”
We are blessed during this time to have podcasts and streams of unlimited amounts of preachers and men and women of God to pour into us. Whenever we are discouraged, we can easily put on a message to fuel our faith. It’s amazing! We so need this right now. However, we tend to forget that these men and women of God are human, and sometimes humans fall from grace. We’ve seen this happen multiple times within 2020. If we aren’t careful, this can make our faith flail. We begin to question the validity of what the person of God said and their ministry. Worse…we begin to question our own faith.
Now more than ever we need FIERCE faith! Faith that stands strong in “all things 2020.” Faith that doesn’t flail as we watch other people fall from grace, because it will happen. Faith that is not fickle based on what comes across our social media feed, because that feed will take us in directions we never dreamed. We get FIERCE faith from one place, the word of God. In Romans 10:17 (KJV) we are reminded, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” God’s word is the only thing we can cling to for truth, for stability, for peace, and to fuel our faith.
The noise around us can be loud…really loud. If not careful, it can easily drown out what we need to hear. We need to hear the word of God. It is the only thing that will give us the FIERCE faith that we need. Sometimes we need to activate our childlike faith and put our fingers in our ears and chant, “Na, na, na, na, na, I can’t hear you” (insert sarcastic voice) to the things that are keeping us from hearing the true word of God.
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