Not a Sermon Just a Thought

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“Day 22”

Well, today is day 21 of our annual 21 Days of Prayer! It’s been an incredible time and we have seen God move in amazing ways. Tonight we will close it out with a night of worship, healing and breakthrough. Tonight, I’m believing for God to perform significant miracles and bring substantial breakthrough in your life. It is the culmination of these three weeks and will be a powerful time in God’s presence. Hopefully you can join us at 6pm at our Winchester Campus. 

Although today is the last of the 21 days, I’m believing it will be a first in your life, a brand new level of faith that you will continue to live in throughout this year and beyond. I want to take a moment and encourage you on “day 22” and beyond. 

Day 22 represents a new way of living for you. New flows. New rhythms. New priorities. New levels. New blessings. New mindsets. New perspectives. New favor.

Be intentional in making 21 Days of Prayer more than a one-time event. Let it be a catalyst for a new way of living in 2020. We won’t be gathering corporately every day again until next January, but what if you continue the flow in your own life? Take an hour of each day and worship God, read your Bible, cry out to God, still your soul, listen to His voice.

How much better will your life look on December 31, 2020 if you make a decision on day 22 to continue this rhythm instead of making it a one-time thing? I would contend that your life will look drastically different, for the better. Go after it. Be deliberate. Be intentional. Be consistent. Let’s make 2020 the best year of our lives when it comes to our relationship with God. 

Church, I love you. I’m proud of you. I’m excited about this year. Let’s do it! 

-Pastor Josh
