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Our Pastor


Josh & Brittney Baird

Pastor Josh is the Lead Pastor of Love Church. He is a visionary leader and passionate teacher. He loves to see people grow in their relationship with Christ and fulfill their God-given potential. That passion permeates his pastoring, coaching, and parenting. Josh and Brittney have been married since 2009 and have four amazing children – one daughter, Raylee, and three sons, Roman, Judah, & Israel. When not at church, you can find them either playing sports or cheering for their favorite teams.

Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.


Heart After God

We are desperate for the presence of God and relentless about honoring Him in all that we do.


Humble Confidence

We are humble because it’s not about us, and we are confident because it’s not up to us.


Hard Work

We don’t let the world out-hustle the church


Good Vibe

We are healthy, honest, positive, and fun


Generational Leadership

We lead with integrity and longevity, passing it on better than we received it, so that our impact outlives us.


Generous Spirit

We believe that we can’t outgive God because the more we give, the more we receive.


Grateful Heart

We are grateful in all circumstances because even if God doesn’t give us anything else, He’s already given us enough.

have questions?

We would love the opportunity to answer any questions you have.


Sunday Services

Sundays at 9AM + 11AM    |   Online at 9:30AM
Services are typically between 80-90 minutes.
Kids ministry is available at this location from birth to grade 5 at both services.
This location has free parking onsite