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The mission of VALOR is to lead Veterans, Active Duty, First Responders, and their families to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.


about valor

The men and women who serve our nation and community have given much of themselves in the course of their duties. We recognize the toll of that life. More importantly, Christ knows that toll. VALOR brings the message that through Christ, we have access to the attributes of God, including:

Vast Resources. 
All Authority. 
Limitless Strength. 
Overwhelming Love. 
Radical Grace.

VALOR lovingly supports the families of veterans and first responders. Our goal is to come alongside and ease both small and large burdens associated with service or absence.


Love Church is proud to be associated with Mighty Oaks Foundation as an Outpost for the Legacy Program. VALOR Outposts are a form of aftercare for Legacy Program alumni to find support, healing, and camaraderie. In addition to providing aftercare, VALOR Outposts are available for pre-Legacy Program support.  Membership in an Outpost does not require Mighty Oaks attendance but it is limited to veterans and first responders. For more information about Mighty Oaks Foundation, please visit their website here.

Valor Outpost
Valor Seerve Team


Serve Teams are outreach focused, supporting veterans, first responders, and their families. These teams are open to anyone of Love Church that would like to join. 

  • The Task Force Team is focused on meeting physical needs (and more!) of veterans, first responders, and their families. As needs arise, the VALOR Task Force will be called upon to meet them through varying means (house repair, manual labor, car servicing, prayer, child care, etc.).
  • The VALOR Serve Events Team faithfully supports the local Mighty Oaks Legacy Week by preparing and serving meals all week long when Bull Run is in session.
Valor - Web

For updates text valor to 855-910-4010.


Find more events from all of our ministies at here.